Monday, 23 November 2020 10:16

Scientific seminar for teachers of chemistry was held at NAU

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technology and the Department of Basic and Special Disciplines of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of the National Aviation University have initiated a new form of work with Ukrainian educators.


The scientific seminar «Ways of forming of positive motivation to study chemistry» took place on November 17, 2020 on Zoom platform online.

 More than 90 teachers of chemistry were involved in the seminar from different regions of Ukraine.


During the event topical issues related to the formation of positive motivation of pupils were discussed;  the prospects of cooperation of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of NAU with educational institutions were revealed;  scientific reports on modern chemical technologies were presented;  educational and professional programs of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of NAU were presented, as well as the program of the special course «Fundamentals of Chemical Technologies» for high school students was recommended.


The list of speakers you can read here


Organizers of the seminar were Professor Natalia Muranova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, the Director of IIET;  Olga Bruiaka, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor,  the Head of the Department of Basic and Special Disciplines of IIET; Serhiy Levchenko,  Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.


All participants of the scientific seminar will receive the appropriate certificates.


You can watch the presentation materials of the scientific seminar «Ways of forming of positive motivation to study chemistry» at the link:

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