Advantages of the extramural education employing information technologies:

  • Flexibility: as a rule, e-learning students do not attend regular classes; they learn in time and place convenient to them.
  • Modularity: the program of e-learning relies on the modular concept: each discipline gives an overall view of an appropriate subject area, which allows making a study program based on a set of independent disciplines-modules, which would meet the needs of an individual or those of a group
  • Parallelism: students combine their studies with their professional activity (in-service training) or with their training in another specialty. E-learning is a convenient way of getting an education for those who have to spend most of their time in the workplace or/and in family
  • Cost-effectiveness and financial capacities: efficient use of educational facilities and equipment as well as concentrated and unified representation of information makes it possible to reduce the cost of training. E-learning allows students to save considerably as compared to other forms of training
  • Technological effectiveness: newest information technologies employed in the educational process facilitate an accelerated integration of a person into the global information space.
  • Social equality and physical abilities of acquiring education regardless of the place of residence, health condition and social status: modern information and communicative technologies employed in e-learning enable acquiring education for people whose medical problems do not allow them to get education in traditional ways.
  • Internationality: acquiring education is possible for foreigners and Ukrainians living abroad.
  • Remote learning: E-learning is an opportunity to get education for people living in remote parts of Ukraine or abroad. You can learn without living your place of residence
  • Positive impact on the student: increasing of the creative and intellectual potential of an e-learning student due to his/her self-organization, starving for knowledge, application of modern information and telecommunication technologies, and decision-making abilities.
  • Quality: the quality of e-learning is not inferior to that of full-time learning; e-learning employs newest study materials and excellent teaching staff.

  • Specialties


    022 Design


    051 Economics

     Economic Cybernetics

     Digital Economy

    ► Air Transport Economics

    ► International Economics

     Business Economics

    053 Psychology


     Practical Psychology

    061 Journalism


     Advertising and Public Relations

    071 Accounting and Taxation

     Accounting and Taxation

    072 Finance, Banking and Insurance

     Finance and Credit

    073 Management

     Management of Organizations and Administration

     International Management


     Aviation Logistics

    075 Marketing



    076 Enterprise, Trade and exchange activities

     Business Activities in Aviation

     Entrepreneurship and Business Technology

     Customs and Stock Exchanges

    081 Right

     Science of Law

     Legal Support of Customs Activities

    101 Ecology

     Ecology and Environmental Protection 

    125 Cybersecurity   

     Cybersecurity Systems and Technologies 

     Information Security Management

     Systems of Technical Protection of Information, Automated Data Processing

     Cybersecurity Audit

     Cyber CCTV and Access Control

    162 Biotechnology and Bioengineering

     Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 

     Environmental Biotechnology and Bioenergy

    163 Biomedical Engineering

     Biomedical Engineering

    172 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

     Computer-Integrated Radio Systems and Technologies

     Computerized Electronic Security Means

     Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems

    186 Publishing and Printing

      Electronic Multimedia Publishing Technologies

    242 Tourism

    ► Tourism Science

    262 Law enforcement

     Law Enforcement

    263 Civil Security

     Protection of Critical Infrastructure

    275 Transportation Technology

     Transportation and Transport Management (Air Transport)

     Organization of  Aviation Work  and Services 

     Multimodal Transport and Logistics

    291 International relations, social communication and regional studies

     International Relations

     International Information

    292 International Economic Relations

     International Economic Relations

     International Business

    293 International law

     International Law



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