Wednesday, 14 October 2020 06:18

Dear colleagues and students!

On October 14, our state celebrates a holiday that embodies heroism of different generations of Ukrainian defenders at all stages of history - Defender of Ukraine Day. We express our boundless gratitude and great respect to the defenders who stand for peace and tranquility, and we bow our heads before the victims who guarded the borders of our native land.  Soldiers have always shown courage protecting our homeland.


We sincerely congratulate everyone who is honored to bear the proud name of the defender of Ukraine.


May the holiday, which has absorbed the glorious traditions, give confidence in the future. May all  decisions will be wise for  prosperity of the Fatherland.


We wish happiness, strong health and longevity, luck, optimism, joy, kindness and inspiration. We wish you and your families harmony and peace!


Happy Defender of Ukraine Day


Glory to Ukraine!  Glory to the heroes!



 the staff of IIET of NAU, Director, Professor Natalia Muranova

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