Tuesday, 13 October 2020 07:26

Round table «Digital transformation of university: key guidelines»

On October 12, 2020 round table "Digital transformation of university: key guidelines" was held online on ZOOM platform at National Aviation University in accordance with the program of XII International Exhibition «Innovation in Modern Education».


Organizer of the event is Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU together with Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the SHEI “University of Educational Management and State Service of Education Quality in Kyiv region.


The round table brought together interested managers and teachers of educational institutions, researchers, postgraduate students, authors of distance learning courses, , educators.


The moderator of the meeting was Professor Natalia Muranova, the Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU. She noted that universities compete for students, researchers and finance, and in this digital age only those who manage to stay up to date and introduce new digital opportunities will win. After all, awareness of new trends in technology and the ability to quickly use their potential to get better results will be a key factor in distinguishing higher education institutions. Universities face with real large-scale task of covering digital technology processes, especially the learning process. In order to successfully implement digitalization, it is necessary to: understand that the digital transformation affects every part of the university, not just IT;  link all digital activities to the overall vision and strategy of the institution;  invest to communities of willing and able digital innovators;  focus on customers’ needs, not on the internal structure of the institution.


Keynote speakers were: Professor Yuriy Tesla (System of engineering of digital university);  Associate Professor Serhiy Kasian (Digital University as the trend of the development of educational institutions); Professor Serhiy Hnatiuk (Cybersecurity as an important component of university digitalization); Associate Professor Larysa Liakhotska (Online course: management of educational activities of student); Associate Professor Svitlana Antoshchuk (Teacher's digital treasury);  Associate Professor Liudmyla Kondratova (Platforms for distance learning: experience and opportunities);  senior lecturer Myroslav Andros (Cybersecurity: psychological aspects of the present).


Technical support was provided by Viktor Hnatiuk, PhD (Engineering Sciences), the Deputy Director of IIET.


The round table "Digital Transformation of the University: Key Landmarks" facilitated the exchange of experiences between educators from different educational institutions;  achievements, knowledge and practical experience;  establishing effective communication between scientists and educators;  a new impetus for the implementation of strategic plans of educational institutions to mobilize efforts to achieve the goals of digitalization.

 The round table «Digital transformation of university: key guidelines»  facilitated the exchange of experience, achievements and knowledge between educators from different educational institutions, establishing effective communication between scientists and educators and  it became a new impetus for the implementation of strategic plans of educational institutions to mobilize efforts to achieve the goals of digitalization.


The  certificates will be awarded to the participants of the round table.

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