Monday, 12 October 2020 14:11

Professions Day at National Aviation University

On October 8, 2020, career guidance event "Professions Day at NAU" was held, which brought together scientists, students and teachers.


The event was organized by the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies and the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications.


The event was started by Professor Natalia Muranova,  the Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU, who noted the importance of making the right professional choice for students in modern conditions.


Welcoming remarks were made by Professor Serhiy Yahodzynskyi, the Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, who focused students' attention on the motivation to choose a future profession.


Speaker-associate professors Lesya Khomenko-Semenova, Liudmyla Dotsenko, Tetiana Petrenko told future entrants about modern and popular professions of the labor market such as: translator;  PR manager; teacher of higher education institution;  office administrator;  office organizer;  head of small enterprises in the field of information;  inspector;  CEO;  referent-analyst;  archivist; researcher;  political analyst;  teacher of political science; press service specialist;  political technologist;  image maker;  psychologist etc.


Such professions are mastered by NAU students at the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications.


More than 250 participants form different cities of Ukraine took part in this event.


Thank you for your attention!  We wish you success in choosing your future profession!

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