Monday, 05 October 2020 17:15

Pedagogical collectives of educational institutions of Ukraine are encouraged

In 2020, National Aviation University entered the TOP-100 popular universities in Ukraine among applicants and took the 6th place. More than 26.5 thousands of entrants expressed a desire to study at the university.


The Rector of  National Aviation University on the Day of educators thanked the teaching staff of educational institutions of Ukraine, which prepared for the best applicants who achieved high rating scores of entrants and became the first-year students of the budget form of education of NAU.


The list of educational institutions of Ukraine you can read here.


We truly thank the educators for the best students!  We wish respect from students and parents, professional success, creative inspiration, inspiration, good health, incredible joy!  We sincerely wish you and your families all the best and keep it up!

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