Monday, 28 September 2020 07:37

Advanced training on the Coursera platform

The employees of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies have been continuing to improve their professional skills by studying on the Coursera courses.


Professor Natalia Muranova, the Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies has successfully completed the course «Introduction to G Suite» authorized by Google Cloud Training, which is extremely relevant and useful, as NAU has chosen the G Suite for Education platform for distance learning. This course provides information  how to manage users in G Suite, create groups and resources, divide the organization into structural units and how to delegate administrator rights to other users.


Liudmyla Kucherova, the Head of the Electronic Distance Learning Laboratory of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies, has successfully completed the course «Google Spreadsheets» offered by National Research Tomsk State University. The interface of tables was considered: menu, file structure, creation of documents and collaboration, document’s design, data sorting and filtering.  Rules for working with formulas, references in functions, as well as summary tables for quick data analysis were useful.


Marharyta Nikiforova, the leading specialist of the e-learning laboratory of the Institute for Innovative Educational Technologies, has successfully completed the course «Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact» offered by Macquarie University. The course lasted six weeks and included video lectures, self-study materials and tests. The course included materials on the basic theory of persuasive communication, information processing models, motivational appeals, decision-making and rules of effective human interaction. In addition, the technique of storytelling was explained in details such as: methods and models of successful storytelling, recommendations for choosing ideas, structuring presentations etc. The course also explains how to have an influential group conversation, plan effective meetings, make better decisions, prepare for stressful conversations and deal with objections. The course explained the nature of objections, why people make them, and how to defend their proposals against these objections. Today, storytelling is successfully used not only in business to promote brands and products on the market, but also in education.  Storytelling is a good way to motivate, persuading of students to inspire them to take the initiative in the learning process. Therefore, this course is relevant for teachers, educators and researchers.


Congratulations to the colleagues on the successful completion of the courses and we wish them new career achievements!

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