Sunday, 27 September 2020 13:04

Round table "Prospects for the introduction of institutional audit at the work of professional (vocational) educational institutions"

On September 24, 2020, employees’ the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU participated in the round table "Prospects for the introduction of institutional audit at the work of professional (vocational) educational institutions», which was held as part of  the International Scientific and Practical Conference.


The State Service of Education Quality in Kyiv region together with National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Marta Abreu Central University in Las Villas (Cuba), Presovska universita v Presove (Slovakia), Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im.  Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie (Poland), State Institution Complex «Kindergarten - School - Gymnasium No 47» (with the study of Ukrainian language and literature) Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) are the organizers of the round table.


The participants of the round table discussed important issues of organization and functioning of the internal system of quality assurance of education at professional (vocational) educational institutions:

  • "IT network of professional (vocational) educational institutions",  was introduced by Andriy Kononenko, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences,  the Head of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;
  • "Japan's experience in organizing training in vocational education institutions" was presented by Olena Voliarska, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Tourism of Kyiv National Linguistic University;
  • Olena Kolomiychuk, the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Koziatyn Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport”, determined the prospects of introducing the system of institutional audit in the work of professional (vocational) educational institutions;
  • Liudmyla Kovalchuk, the Deputy Director for Training and Production at the Higher Vocational School of National Aviation University, considered the issue of “Implementing the Code of Corporate Ethics in Vocational (Technical) Education Institutions as One of the Main Components of Developing the Internal System of Education Quality Assurance”;
  • "The problem of digitalization of the educational process in educational institutions" was covered by Larysa Liakhotska, Professor of the Department of Open Educational Systems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;
  • "Cloud computing in education" was presented by Serhiy Kasian, the Head of the Department of Open Educational Systems of the "University of Educational Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine";
  • «Features of the using of distance technologies in educational institutions" was outlined by Viktor Hnatiuk, PhD of Technical Sciences,  the Deputy Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of National Aviation University;
  • "Potential of internal quality assurance of education" was revealed by Natalia Muranova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, the Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of  National Aviation University.


We are grateful to our partners, organizers and participants of the conference for fruitful cooperation, interesting discussion of current issues and high professional level!


All participants of the round table were awarded of  the  certificates.

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