Thursday, 10 September 2020 07:58

The first graduation of regional experts of Kyiv region on conducting institutional audit

The first training of regional educational experts of Kyiv region on institutional audit was completed, and it was organized by the joint efforts of the State Service of Education Quality in Kyiv region and the Institute of Pedagogical Education named after Ivan Ziaziun.

On September 9, 2020, 49 educational experts got certificates, who successfully completed training on institutional audit, development of the internal system of quality assurance in general secondary education.

Among the experts was the director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies, Professor Natalia Muranova, the scientists of higher education institutions, chiefs and pedagogical staff of general secondary education institutions.

Participants mastered the knowledge of institutional audit and interpretation of its results, gained skills in building and developing an internal system of quality assurance of education, taking into account the peculiarities of educational activities of educational institutions.

During the training, participants actively worked on solving cases of practical problems, shared experience in educational institutions, improved their own knowledge.

We thank the staff of the Department of the State Service for Quality Education of Ukraine in Kyiv region, scientists of Institute of Pedagogical Education named after Ivan Ziaziun, participants for fruitful work, partnership and common understanding of education quality!

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