Tuesday, 04 February 2020 20:45

New Tecnam planes already at NAU disposal

A pair of new, earlier purchased Tecnam light-duty training planes (produced in Naples, Italy) have been delivered to the Antonov-2 (Hostomel) airfield for the NAU International Pilot Training Center. Customs officials have cleared the P2002-JF aircraft, which were unloaded and putin the airport hangar.

New P2002-JF aircraft, made in 2019, are certified by EASA, according to CS-VLA, belonging to the VLA (Very Light Aircraft European Classification) category. The dashboard meets international standards and is equipped with the Garmin 660 flight and navigation complex.

The aircraft boast of outstanding quality and flight performance along with high cost-effectiveness and low-cost maintenance, making them an excellent choice primarily for initial flight training.

The P2002-JF is powered by an engine byRotax Aircraft Engines (Austria), which is very important in terms of fuel saving. After all, P2002-JF can use conventional AI-95 gasoline with an average consumption of 17 liters per hour. So at a cruising speed of about 200 kmh, the plane is able to travel over a 1,000 km in six hours, which is a great indicator for this type of aircraft. All Rotax engine systems are duplicated, significantly reducing failure risks.

The P2002-JF is also a safe aircraft. Safety has always been a priority for Tecnam developers and designers. In P2002-JF, safety features areimplementedthrough airframe design and airplane's units. Nosing protection is ensured by a pair of extra-durable arches, made of alloy steel and chrome, integrated into the rear of the windscreen and a movable cockpitlight. Another safeguard for safe operation is the critical angle of attack detector with sound alarm (stall sensor), which warns of an approaching stall, which can lead to dive and tailspin– the cause of most small aircraft crashes. The P2002-JF is also equipped with additional systems, such as an air pressure receiver,an audio panel and marker receiver, and atransponder, allowing pilots to fly across Ukraine and beyond.

Within two weeks, certified experts will attach stabilizers and wings and begin the procedure for airworthiness certification, as well as get registration with the State Aviation Service of Ukraine.

It should be noted that at the end of last year the University purchased three aircraft for the International Training Center for NAU pilots: a single-engine Cessna 172 and two single-engine Tecnam P2002-JF planes.

The five aircraft were purchased within the framework of the implementation of the "International Pilot Training Center of National Aviation University"state investment project, which was approved by the Interagency Commission on State Investment Projects in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 22, 2015 No. 571. An international bidding was held through aProzorro platform in compliance with all applicable legal requirements. The estimated cost of the purchase was formed basedon the analysis of the training aircraftmarket, taking into account the requirements of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, recorded in the state investment project and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the budget programpassport.

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