Thursday, 19 December 2019 14:02

Economic-Mathematical School Winter Session

On December 17, 2019 a winter session of the Economic-Mathematical Scientific School for pupils and students started at the National Aviation University within the “Gifted Person” programme.

The session is aimed to deepen and systematize the senior pupils’ knowledge in school subjects and various fields of research, to develop the worldview of young people, to harmoniously combine the cognitive, research and educational activities of senior pupils and facilitate their vocational self-determination.

The event was enabled by the cooperation of the Educational and Research Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies and the Department of Economic Cybernetics. The programme of the School involved the following practical tasks: «Preparation for the External Independent Testing. Problems with Parameters» and the scientific lectures «Electronic Money. Bitcoins – Digital Money of the Future. Cryptocurrency in Ukraine»», «The Future of the Labour Market in Ukraine. Economic Cybernetics, Business Analytics, Business Informatics and Digital Economics at NAU.

The scientific leader of the School – Таmara Oleshko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Economic Cybernetics Department – focused the pupils’ attention on the necessity of improving their mathematics and on the importance of logical thinking skills, which is always helpful in making the right decisions.

The participants in the School were invited to take part in NAU-based national student competitions (…/…/vseukrainski-olimpiady-nau) as well as in scientific-educational and cultural events that NAU holds for pupils and students (

The would-be entrants got gift copies of ‘Aviator’ – the newspaper highlighting the NAU activities and exciting events.

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