Wednesday, 14 August 2019 09:59

Cross-training: opportunities, advantages, prospects

Cross-training is widely used in European higher education system. But do our entrants realize the strengths of cross-training?

Cross-training means that a person having a Bachelor’s, Specialist’s or Master’s Degree can enter a higher education institution to gain a degree in any specialty (specialization) even if it differs from the specialty in which you have already gained your degree.

The purpose of cross-training is to give students more opportunities in the educational space, increase their level in certain fields of knowledge and gain two professions at the same time.

Care to get another specialty?

  • Join our Master’s program.
  • Get a parallel training in two specialties.

At the National Aviation University you can gain a Master’s Degree in any specialty regardless of the Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree you already have.

Specialties available with extramural learning

Enrolment for Master’s Degree programmes on the basis of any Bachelor’s Degree is done on a competitive basis through the examination in the specialty.


Enrolment for cross-training in Masters Degree programmes in 2019 (dates, assessment, enrolment algorithm):


The advantages of cross-training:

  • a shorter course of training
  • a lower cost of education
  • you can gain a Master’s Degree free of charge on State-requisitioned places
  • after completion of the Master’s programme, you get a Master’s Degree the employer will never claims against.


It is cross-training that will give you wide opportunities for self-improvement, creative realization, professional and career development, decent pay, successful employment in leading companies both in Ukraine and abroad.  


Useful links

2019 NAU Admission Rules:

Tuition Fee:

Application Period

For more information: The Educational and Research Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies, 1, Prospect Kosmonavta Komarova, Building 8а, 3rd Floor, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine. Tel.: (044)497-72-43, 406-68-58; 406-74-70; 405-74-04, 497-52-84.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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