Monday, 15 July 2019 12:08

13th spot in TOP-200 Ukraine ranking

Our University has improved its positions six steps up in the TOP 200 Ukraine ranking of higher educational facilities. Now we are ranking 13th.

Euroosvita Center for International Projects (, in partnership with the international expert group IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence ( has since 2010 been researching academic performance of Ukraine's higher educational facilities of III and IV accreditation levels, reflected in annual TOP 200 rankings.

The ranking has been formed using 30 direct assessment indicators (personal data, information from university websites, data from international associations of universities, data on participation in international projects (Horizon 2020, Erasmus +), information on participation in international rankings (Webometrics, Scopus, uniRank), data of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, UNESCO, data of the Committee on State Awards of Ukraine and T. Shevchenko Prizes, participation in NATO-funded projects within the framework of the Science for Peace and Security Program, participation in in bilateral projects, the average passing grades of applicants, and other open data).

Expert evaluation of the quality of scientific and pedagogical potential and training quality with a total weight of 15% was carried out according to the following criteria:

  • level of basic, general education preparation of students,
  • level of professional training,
  • level of practical knowledge of information technologies,
  • demand of graduates in the labor market.

You can follow the link to check out the TOP 200 ranking in full: 

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