Friday, 05 July 2019 13:57

You are welcome to study with us!

The Educational and Research Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of the National Aviation University invites you to extramural e-learning.

The 2019 Admission Rules of the National Aviation University:

The Institute provides:

  • baccalaureate and master’s programmes according to the licensed amount and accredited specialities (education programs) of NAU;
  • parallel training of students who have completed the first year of studies at the University;
  • training of students according to the master’s, bachelor’s and specialist’s programs;
  • cross training (training in accordance with more than one education program);
  • extramural training (including e-learning technology.

The Institute invites those who:

  • have complete secondary education (for first-year entrants):
  • have a Junior Specialist’s Degree (for second- and third-year entrants);  External Independent Testing is not required:
  • have completed the first year of studies at the University (for entrants to the second year of parallel training); External Independent Testing is not required 
  • have a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Specialist’s Degree (for master’s program entrants); External Independent Testing is not required 
  • wish to enter more than one education program
  • have a Bachelor’s Degree and/or Specialist’s Degree (for master’s program entrants):

The schedule of additional specialty examinations, specialty entrance examinations and the foreign language examination (Master) 

The schedule of additional specialty examinations and specialty entrance examinations (2nd and 3rd years) 

The sources of funding for the training:

  • government
  • individuals and entities
  • special-purpose state subsidized loans
  • vouchers

Tuition fee:

Specialties available for extramural learning

Specialties available for extramural e-learning:

Programmes of entrance examinations, interviews and creativity competitions: 

Advantages of training

  • high-quality education
  • modern education technologies
  • powerful material and technical support
  • innovative methods and tools of training
  • state-funded training opportunities
  • in-service training opportunities
  • parallel education opportunities
  • availability of training in the military department

Course of training: for Bachelor’s Degree – 4.5 years, for Master’s Degree – 1year and 4 months.

The procedure for holding exams according to the technology of the External Independent Testing for master’s program entrants

For bachelor’s program entrants,  Application period (1st year)Application period (2nd and 3rd years):

1) for state-funded training – not more than 7 applications for 4 specialties (separate applications for full-time and extramural training), for contract-based training – no restrictions;

2) electronic submission of applications, except of those who are subject to specific admission conditions and higher military institutions;

3) User account registration period: 01.07.2019 – 21.07.2019 (for state-funded training),

01.07.2019 – 30.08.2019 (for training funded by individuals and entities);

4) 2017-2019 are valid in all disciplines but foreign languages (2017 External Independent Testing Certificates in foreign languages are not valid);

5) The minimal score in any discipline in the certificate, with which an applicant is allowed to participate in the External Independent Testing competition as well as in the competition of creative or physical abilities, is 100.

The least admission score (which is not the External Independent Testing score) for applicants based on complete secondary education is 130 for the specialties related to the areas of knowledge 08 «Law», 28 «Public Management and Administration» and 29 «International Relations».

6) Participants of the national student competitions held by NAU are awarded additional points (from 1 to 20) to their External Independent Testing score in the corresponding subject (this provision is valid for specially supported specialties only).

We are waiting for you!

Contact us for details: 1, Prospect Kosmonavta Komarova, Building 8а, 3rd Floor, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine. Tел.: (044)497-72-43, 406-74-70; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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