Saturday, 28 November 2020 00:11

November 28, 2020, is the Holodomor Remembrance Day

Remember: Holodomors of 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947 years  in Ukraine.


The fourth Saturday of November is Holodomor Remembrance Day. The provoked Holodomor is tragic page in the history of our people and national grief.


The staff of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU honors the memory of innocent Ukrainians who died and it joins the nationwide minute of silence and the action «Let’s Light a Candle of Memory!»


We remember the tragic past and believe in the bright future of the Ukrainians. It is difficult to read the memories of witnesses of the Holodomor about the fateful events of the twentieth century.


 Let the black waves of the Holodomor go away forever.


The annual National Memorial Day in Ukraine unites all generations. The tragedy of the Holodomor has no right to be repeated.



 the staff of IIET of NAU, Director, Professor Natalia Muranova



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