Monday, 23 November 2020 10:20

Round table «Education quality assurance: state of the problem, prospects»

On November 20, 2020 the round table «Education quality assurance: state of the problem, prospects»  was successfully held in accordance with the program of the International Exhibition «Education and Career».


The event was organized by the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of National Aviation University, the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the SHEI «University of Educational Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine» and State Service of Education Quality in Kyiv region.


The problem of education quality assurance is relevant in the system of modern education and as evidence 421 participants from all regions of Ukraine were registered to take part.


The organizers of the round table were  Professor Natalia Muranova, the Director of the IIET of NAU, Liudmyla Aleksieienko-Lemovska the Head of the Department of Institutional Audit of the State Service of Education Quality in Kyiv region, Larysa Liakhotska, Associate Professor of the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the SHEI «University of Educational Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine».


Scientists highlighted the challenges of quality education;  innovative development of the educational process; information technologies and features of distance learning; digital transformation of educational institutions to improve the quality of education and effective online learning; additional vector of development of Ukrainian education; using of Google services at the professional activities of educators.


Keynote speakers were: Professor Yuriy Tesla, Associate Professors Serhiy Kasian, Larysa Liakhotska, Natalia Hushchyna.


 The round table facilitated the exchange of experience, achievements and knowledge between educators from different educational institutions, establishing effective communication between scientists and educators and  it became a new impetus for the implementation of strategic plans of educational institutions to mobilize efforts to achieve the goals of digitalization.


We thank the partners for cooperation and the participants for their active participation.


The  certificates will be awarded to the participants of the round table.

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