Thursday, 19 November 2020 06:31

Congratulations on International Student’s Day!

November 17 is International Student’s Day.  Congratulations to the creative student’s youth!  Student’s solidarity knows no borders and unites people around the whole world.


May the student’s years become bright page of your life, solid foundation for professional growth, contribution to the glorious achievements of  National Aviation University.


The future belongs to the youth.  You are happy future of our state!  We wish all students self-affirmation, perseverance, harmonious spiritual and physical development, victories, quests and discoveries.


May  joy of your student’s years help you reach your goals.  We wish you peace, health, success, love, inexhaustible energy, faithful friends, good fortune and active participation in society.  Let your knowledge and talent become  significant contribution to the development of our native Ukraine!


Happy Student’s Day!  Good luck in all endeavors!  Be happy!



 the staff of IIET of NAU, Director, Professor Natalia Muranova

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