Friday, 06 November 2020 09:09

A conference-meeting for parents and students of the Preparatory Department of IIET took place!

On November 4, 2020, the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies held the conference-meeting with students of the Preparatory Department for Ukrainian Citizens and their parents online on Zoom platform.


The meeting was started by Professor Natalia Muranova, the Director of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies of NAU. She identified the main ways of interaction and cooperation among parents, students and teachers for the sake of fulfillment of the main task - good preparation of students for External Independent Testing.


Viktor Hnatiuk, the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of NAU commented on the features of the admission campaign-2021, the Rules of admission to NAU, acquainted with

useful Internet resources such as the site of the Admissions Committee of NAU,,,, and also advised entrants to take a career guidance survey, which

will help to choose the right profession.


Students of the Preparatory Department and their parents received meaningful answers to all their questions and thanked the organizers for interesting and effective online meeting.


More information is here:


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