On November 9, on the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, the Department of Basic and Special Disciplines joined the writing of the traditional All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity, which this year became  the twentieth since its inception.

On November 4, 2020, Distance Learning Center of NAU held the second webinar «Organizing of distance learning on the platform Google Classroom» online.

On November 4, 2020, the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies held the conference-meeting with students of the Preparatory Department for Ukrainian Citizens and their parents online on Zoom platform.

On October 28, 2020,  Aerospace Scientific School was held for pupils and students online.on the ZOOM platform online, organized and conducted by the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies together with the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications.

Pedagogical staff of the Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines of IIET have been continuing to improve their professional skills and qualification on the educational online platform.

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